Monday, June 05, 2006

We finally have LOST Episode 10!

Sorry - really needed to share that - we shall sleep well tonight!


Anonymous said...

Only episode 10!! seen all of them now an excellent series. Congratulations on your wedded-ness by the way nice to see.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to leave my username. Whoops!

Paul and Bobbi Trehan-Young said...

Dont rub it in - episode 10 didnt reveal anything at all.. now awaiting 11. & thanks.

Anonymous said...

seen much more of lost yet?

Paul and Bobbi Trehan-Young said...

Yeah we got epi 11 - now patiently awaiting for 12.
Some monster we knew it was a cloud of smoke anyway.. and we still dont know who the heck these others actually are.
They dont half drag it on.
We did try to officially buy from ITunes but as we are UK residents, we are not allowed which sucks...
so keep seeding you lovely people!!

Anonymous said...

yep they drag it on, and on and on.... but it is a good series