Monday, June 12, 2006

Dear beloved people -

We're back - posted a fair bit on Japan - but keep your eyes peeled, Japan's still not quite finished.


AndyG said...

cool! Good to catch up with your eternal holiday!

Just in case you have forgotten how lucky you are I work 11 hours a day and had had to haggle with my boss to take a long weekend next week!! And thats all Im allowed to take off till next Christmas! Americans are so mean!

AndyG said...

By the way, how is it dealing with language in Japan?

Paul and Bobbi Trehan-Young said...

Oh that was a breeze... we brought the Japanese phrasebook.

.........and barely used it!
They are really friendly people in Japan, and go outta their way to help you out. But majority of them speak English.

Sorry to hear about the hard time your getting from your boss! Now quit slacking and get yer lazy ass back to work!